Unit 1 Task 5.2 "Crtical Thinking - The Soul of Communication"

Having good communication is of utmost priority to me being a good leader. Poor communication between others and myself may lead to them having different interpretations of the information I wish to convey. This will cause them to have doubts and may end up speculating the meaning of my information which in turn may have an undesirable result.

Good communication is having two-way communications to understand others, know their level of morale and difficulties they are facing. As a leader, I wish to not only lead but listen as well so people can trust and follow me at all times. 

Critical thinking skills can allow people to think rationally, identify important points and make proper decision on situations. When problem occurs, it is important to think and question assumptions while managing ambiguity. By thinking ahead and postulate several outcome to the situation and adopting the best possible solution is a form of critical thinking. 

This is an important skill for me. By adopting critical thinking, I will be able to think rationally and make decisive solutions. With both the skills to communicate well and thinking critically, I will be able to communicate effectively with the people.


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